
How to create an essay outline and a thesis statement

Image Source: here What is an essay outline? An essay outline is the skeleton form (basic structure)  of your essay written in single sequenced se…

The Difference Between APA, Harvard and MLA Reference Styles

American Psychological Association (APA) referencing style :  Is used  mainly in social science. Harvard referencing style : it is also mainly …

What is a Register in Academic Writing

Expectedly, when a school leaver hears the word register, it should not be surprising if the first thing that comes to their mind is the typical clas…

A Paragraph

Imagine reading a script that has no spaces between the words, nor spaces to section the entire script. 'Confusing right!’. Well, that’s how Anci…

The Writing Process

The first thing that most students probably do after been given a writing assignment is panic or claim that they have the so-called ‘ pressure ’. Thi…


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The Legal Aid Initiative is a completely student-led body of legal authors. we aim at enhancing legal literacy and advancing advocacy in the legal profession, we therefore promote and indulge in legal research, legal writing and legal education.